September 16, 2021

Te Atatu Toasted fan Angela Verry lives in the Auckland suburb of Brown’s Bay with her husband. The couple is retired.

My morning routine is… to get up and shower, then my husband and I have breakfast together, which is always Te Atatu Toasted Gluten Free muesli. We both are very involved in keeping fit and prefer to have breakfast before our exercise for the day, which, between us, can be anything from tennis to walks, gym or kayaking.

My favourite Te Atatu Toasted cereal is …The gluten-free blend which I first tasted at a weekend market many years ago.        

I love Te Atatu Toasted cereal because… I can rely on it being gluten free, which is of upmost importance to me.

I eat it with…either banana, blueberries or any seasonal fruit.

The best thing about signing up for a subscription to Te Atatu Toasted is… knowing how reliable the delivery is, the communication from Clare when it is due to be delivered and having no hassles.

My goal for 2021 is…to stay healthy and fit.